State Tested Nursing Assistant (STNA)

State of Ohio: Meets educational requirements
Classes at Metro Campus and Corporate College West!
Program Overview
What is an STNA?
State Tested Nursing Assistants (STNA) play a critical role within the health care industry. As a member of the health care team, STNA’s are the frontline staff because they have the most direct contact with patients.
Work Environment
STNA’s work in a variety of settings like in a patient’s home, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, residential care facilities, clinics, day care centers, assisted living facilities and etc. State Tested Nursing Assistants improve their patients’ well-being by assisting them with personal care and monitoring progress with their recovery goals. They work as Care Partners, Patient Care Assistants, Caregivers, Clinical Assistants, Home Health Aides, Resident Assistants and more.
Career Outlook
As a STNA, your career outlook is excellent. As the health care industry continues to expand, employment is projected to grow much faster than average for all occupations.
In Ohio (Cleveland - Elyria area), the pay range for a STNA is annually $29,130 to $37,900 with median wages (2021) of $14.91 hourly, (source National Center for O*NET Development. Ohio Wages: 31-1131.00 - Nursing Assistants. O*NET OnLine. Retrieved April 26, 2022, from Local Wages: 31-1131.00 - Nursing Assistants (
STNA’s may advance to other occupations through experience or additional training. STNA’s can continue their education to become Medical Assistants, Nurses or other health care workers.
Target Audience
If you are a caring individual who enjoy helping people, the STNA position is for you. Working with patients who need your assistance and care will provide a sense of purpose at work. Are you looking for a rewarding career where you are able to help others live a more fulfilling life? If so, train for this in-demand health career through our Ohio Department of Health approved training program.
Refund Policy
A 100% refund is given if a completed withdrawal request is received before the class begins for open enrollment courses provided that you have not opened an account with our background check vendor, American Databank - Complio. In the event that you have opened an American Databank - Complio account, and request a withdrawal from the class before the first day of class, then only a 90% refund is given.
No refund is given after the class begins.
No refund is available for students who drop the course after class has begun.
No refund is provided if a student registers for a class and does not show or misses more than four hours of class without an excused absence.
Important Clinical Note
Clinical facilities will not allow STNA students to participate in clinical experiences within the facility without appropriate documentation of required immunizations, including the COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, all clinical sites for the College's STNA program require that participants be fully vaccinated from COVID-19. Inability to complete required clinical hours may result in a failing grade and dismissal from the program.
Important STNA & TTT Program Information
View Courses and Register
- State Tested Nursing Assistant (Accelerated)
- State Tested Nursing Assistant Training Program
- Train the Trainer: Become a STNA Instructor